- a weekly personal, academic blog about the internet-

(blog name inspired by the Straits Times. Brilliant wordplay huh thank you thank you!)

Friday, April 9, 2010

Computers... aren't forever.

More specifically, their brains- the hard drives. Sure, they're made to be as durable as possible but they're not fail-safe, as everything that moves in this world has an expiry date due to wear and tear. That said, how do we maintain our storage devices and keep them in tip top condition, and not have them die on us within a few months of intense downloading usage? After going through several techie websites and numerous user reviews, I've compiled a list of maintenance freeware that will help keep your hard drives going strong (or at least notify you when they're failing, so you can backup your pirated data asap!)

  • Disk Space Fan - helps you understand how your disk space is really used.
  • CCleaner - cleans your computer's crap (that's what the 'c' stands for anyway), such as internet history and cache.
  • Decrapifier - removes even more crap from your computer!
  • Defraggler - a small yet hardy program that organizes your memory for more efficiency

Sure, computers are machines but they're not invincible like Barcelona FC, so give them all the help they can get and they'll repay you with love, reliability! No more crashing computers in the middle of writing your COM 125 blog posts/research paper! :P

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Robots... Today!

Nope, I'm not gonna post about the , I'm gonna talk about robots that the common man (that's if you're residing in Spain, anyway) can use, today! According to this article from prevailing gadget site Gizmodo, there's a bank in Madrid that's so massive in size that you've to use robots to navigate your way around! Unless you want a workout, that is.

Apparently, they're intelligent enough to avoid colliding into other robots and people (including marked pathways so they won't crash into say, a toilet). They basically look like Ferrari-red, enclosed moving chairs.

It's really amazing how machines such as these were but a product of science-fiction only a few years ago, but now it's all reality- tangible technology that we can actually use. Granted, it's exclusive to this bank and probably expensive as hell to acquire, but it's a promising sign of what's to come. DBS/POSB, your move! :)


Multimedia, very broadly speaking, is media that is multi-faceted. This means the audio, visual (still and moving), text and interactivity are all fused together in a package that delivers a more meaningful, comprehensive message to its audience, as compared to just a singular form of media. This relatively new, and constantly evolving technology didn't just improve interpersonal communication, but also enhances the way advertising is used in the cloak and dagger business world.

Back in the day when traditional media was king, companies advertised their products via newspaper (pictures, text); radio (audio) and billboards (pictures, text). With the advent of the internet and the surge of numerous computer-based technological advancements, multimedia came into inception, and businesses around the world began their foray into the digital realm.

Unica is one such company that helps other companies with marketing communication- they design websites, brochures, business cards, and help to maintain and update online content; more impressively, they even use modern social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook to reach out to clientele. I particularly like their slogan: "Turning information into communication". That's what multimedia, in the context of marketing and advertising, to me, is all about.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Internet Insecurity

"There is no security on this earth. Only opportunity." - Douglas MacArthur

That doesn't mean you shouldn't secure your computer and give cyber criminals the opportunity to access your valuable data! Imagine, passwords for your email, chat messengers, your bank and Facebook account, all privy to someone with malicious intent. You wouldn't leave your wallet unattended or your house door unlocked, so why shouldn't you guard your e-self?

There are several types of evil in the wired world: Destructive, replicable viruses and worms, trojans, phishing scams, mal and spy ware... The list goes on. If you're familiar with your own system, and know how to identify and nullify these numerous threats... Congratulations! Otherwise, you're a sitting duck in this ever-advancing world; crime, is irrefutably shifting to... cyberspace.

Listen up closely, soldier. There are malevolent presences out there who want your data, either for money or just to feed their twisted, sadistic hunger for chaos. You can prevent this from happening by simple, commonsensical measures such as keeping your passwords safe, changing them occasionally, etc.

It's also essential to use, and regularly update, protection software (freeware! :) such as Spybot (privacy) and ClamWin (anti-virus). Watch out for online scams- they look remarkably like the real deal and it takes a sharp eye to spot the difference- but it could be remove the "in" from your "insecurity".

Be safe, not sorry.