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(blog name inspired by the Straits Times. Brilliant wordplay huh thank you thank you!)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Robots... Today!

Nope, I'm not gonna post about the , I'm gonna talk about robots that the common man (that's if you're residing in Spain, anyway) can use, today! According to this article from prevailing gadget site Gizmodo, there's a bank in Madrid that's so massive in size that you've to use robots to navigate your way around! Unless you want a workout, that is.

Apparently, they're intelligent enough to avoid colliding into other robots and people (including marked pathways so they won't crash into say, a toilet). They basically look like Ferrari-red, enclosed moving chairs.

It's really amazing how machines such as these were but a product of science-fiction only a few years ago, but now it's all reality- tangible technology that we can actually use. Granted, it's exclusive to this bank and probably expensive as hell to acquire, but it's a promising sign of what's to come. DBS/POSB, your move! :)

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